联系人:魏若愚 先生 (经理) |
电 话:13253723517 |
手 机: |
魔幻汽车生产厂家订做 |
技术产数:Tech Paramerer
型号(model) MHQC-6A
乘员(Cars) 12人
电源(Zvoltage) 3N+PE 380/220V 50Hz
座位(seating) 12位
总功率(Power) 5.5kw
设备直径(Equipment diameter) 7m*11m
转速(Speed approx) 1.9pm
运行时间( run time) 分级可调
MagicCarakacrazymagiccar,CreativeRecreationpreviousflagship product, crazydefinition isdetachedthe generalrunning track,on the basis ofthe oldcan be modifiedto achievea newmovement patterns.Fantasysportscararound the centerof the original, based onthe use of bionics, modeledbeeshomingfruit harvestdancebackin the overalloperation ofthe deviceplanedoingcharacterdance, meaningmore wealthfor clientsaccommodated.Takebeecharacterdancebitown use.Plusbodylength,with a long,roundshapedcockpitcockpit,naturallycentrifugal forcewill be different,even moredifferentstimulationlevels.
Model MHQC-6A
occupant 12 persons
Power 3N + PE 380/220V 50Hz
seating 12 hp
Total power 5.5kw
Equipment diameter 7m*11m
Speed approx 1.9pm
running time grade adjustable |